

Posted by Janice Colmer在2021年3月24日下午1:30:00

This new Node-RED developer video shows you how to do more with your data with CSV logging and file storage.

欢迎回到节点红世界。视频主持人特里·果园(Terry Orchard)刚刚完成了一个新的情节,以更高级的方式记录数据。也许您不仅要记录到文本文件,还要将数据更改为CSV文件,并将其保存到USB驱动器上groovRIO。该视频为您提供了有关如何做到这一点的简单逐步说明。

如果您一直关注我们的节点红色开发人员视频系列,那么您已经看到了如何set upgroovI/O nodes并且应该熟悉预装在节点红色上的存储节点。

Learn how to use a button press from thedashboardalong with a change or function node to make this happen. You'll see how Node-RED gives you a lot of power, but selecting the right properties is key.Watch as Terry shows you how.

Logging CSV Files to USB withgroovRIO

You can also find the complete节点红色视频播放列表on our website. Thanks for watching!

Topics:视频,Node-RED,developer,groov RIO

Written byJanice Colmer

Janice has worked at Opto 22 for more than 16 years and is part of the marketing team that strives to share new and relevant content with the automation industry. She enjoys books, camping, country music, and spending time with family and friends.
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