

Terry is a UC Irvine alumnus that works in technical marketing and focuses on development and content creation. When he's not at the computer he enjoys spending time with his family and pets, flying drones, and working on yo-yo tricks.


groov RIO Ignition Exchange Project Spotlight

Posted by特里果园2022年8月30日上午8:00:00

See how to quickly readgroovRIO数据到点火交换标签数据库

使用软件可配置的I/O,例如groovRIOMM1 and MM2, it’s easier than ever to instrument all your devices for control and reading back real-world data. To help you take the next step of getting that data somewhere meaningful, this post will summarize a new Ignition Exchange project for reading data from one or moregroovRIO modules into your Ignition tag database.

Posted by马丁西, an IoT-certified OptoPartner, this project makes it trivial to dynamically get tag data into the Ignition tag database, display it on Vision pages, and link it to other projects and providers where you can then do whatever you need.


Topics:点火,groov RIO

Node-RED Updates in groov EPIC 3.4

Posted by特里果园2022年6月23日上午8:00:00


每个人groov固件更新我们还包括对设备运行的软件的更新,无论是groov查看,点火或节点红色。最近groov史诗3.4.0 update is no different! In this post, I’ll briefly go over some of the biggest updates to Node-RED, which has been bumped to v2.2.2. If you want to know more about the 3.4.0groov史诗firmware, check out本论坛帖子.


Topics:Updates,Node-RED,groov EPIC

新的REST API节点红色视频

Posted by特里果园2022年1月26日上午7:11:10

New video just added to the Node-RED developer playlist covers a simple API flow using daily weather data as an example.

Node-RED is an extremely powerful tool that we’ve featured many times on this blog and ourYouTubechannel, and one very common use of Node-RED is to use application programming interfaces or “APIs” to move data between devices and/or services that would otherwise be totally disconnected.



Topics:视频,Node-RED,groov EPIC,Optou,groov RIO

New Node-RED dashboard features in groov firmware 3.3

Posted by特里果园on Dec 1, 2021 8:30:00 AM


如果您密切关注此博客groovfamily has had a recent firmware release—version 3.3.1 forgroov史诗3.3.0 forgroovRIO.



Topics:Node-RED,groov EPIC,groov RIO

What's new in Node-RED v1.0

Posted by特里果园on Jan 22, 2020 1:43:14 PM

TheOpenJS Foundationnodered.org已正式发布了节点红色版本1.0!

Since the previous major Node-RED version v0.20, there have been big changes and improvements to both the visual editor on the surface and the runtime under the hood. These improvements are what truly make this a full version 1.0 update, and not just an iterative v0.21. This blog post will cover what has been updated or changed at a high level, and discuss the impact on users of Node-RED running ongroov史诗.


Topics:Node-RED,groov EPIC

GROOV EPIC的Linux操作系统和安全外壳(SSH)访问

Posted by特里果园on Aug 7, 2019 10:33:49 AM

正如您可能在以前的博客文章中阅读的那样groov史诗runs a Linux-based operating system that supports a variety of programming and operating options, including optionalsecure shell (SSH)access. SSH provides root access to the tools, software, and files on thegroov史诗system.



Topics:安全,groov EPIC,Linux,secure shell

帮助在这里 - 与Groov Epic一起开发的指南

Posted by特里果园2019年1月28日上午10:00:00



Topics:PAC控制,REST API,Node-RED,mqtt,点火Edge,IEC 61131-3,groov EPIC,developer




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