
Connecting PLCs to the Internet...securely

发表 珍妮丝·科尔默(Janice Colmer)on Nov 2, 2022 9:00:00 AM

观看Integratelive第8集的录音!- 随着Opto 22和Phoenix的联系将其PLC连接到Web API,以利用数据。

如果您不熟悉Integratelive!但是,我们鼓励您查看这个新的在线社区。德赢vwin客户端下载Jeff Knepper和Allen Ray创建了这个平台,以帮助工业自动化领域的所有最终用户,制造商和系统集成商。

开源技术共同努力的重要性是IL的基础,它庆祝"Co-op-etition"- 哪个是将Opto 22和Phoenix接触的原因最新一集

A few weeks ago when we promoted our participation in IntegrateLive!, it promised to deliver the PLCs of tomorrow. But good news—the future is now. Watch as Opto 22 and Phoenix Contact both present their edge solutions,凹槽EPIC和plcnext,利用Node-RED安全连接到Web API并将可持续性数据注入日常控制决策。

Using Node-RED Flows on Next Generation PLCs


This 90 minute virtual workshop follows the typical IL format:

  1. 确定问题
  2. Find real-time solutions
  3. 显示定价
  4. 回答提问

Episode 8 focuses on:
如何通过Web API安全地访问有用的数据(实用程序,天气,环境)以改善控制过程?

两个演示团队都会审查系统架构图并展示其Tools for easy-to-configure, web-based HMIs to help you visualize your data.


And don't forget about the Rundown!
Exactly one week after each workshop (in this case, November 2nd) a follow-up episode features the same panel of guests meeting for a recap and additional conversation...and you're invited to attend, too.

Integratelive网站for solution discussions, shared stories, and some entertaining dad jokes!


主题:节点红色,,,,Groov Epic,,,,网络研讨会,,,,系统集成

Written by珍妮丝·科尔默(Janice Colmer)

珍妮丝(Janice)在Opto 22工作了16年以上,并且是营销团队的一部分,他们努力与自动化行业共享新的和相关的内容。她喜欢书籍,露营,乡村音乐,并与家人和朋友共度时光。

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