
Deepsea挑战者 - 第4部分

发表 Ben Orchardon Mar 31, 2015 6:00:00 AM

After 7 years of planning and 3-4 months of frantic building, moving the submersible from the factory to the ship was a big deal.

We are engineers; we could have each spent another 6 months working on our parts of the system, but Jim was on a schedule and perfection would just have to take a back seat to safe and functional.




接待我们的船和探险队的潜艇称为美人鱼蓝宝石(PDF with more details)。她主要用于油线检查和维修。在我们的情况下,平坦的后甲板和起重机吸引了使用她进行探险的吸引力。



The very first "dive" with the sub was simply a flotation test. We needed to know how much buoyancy the sub had in order to make any necessary changes to the syntactic foam layout.

It was also a good chance for the crew to practice the launch and recovery of the sub off the back of the ship for the first time while everything was still (the ship was moored to the wharf).


For this test the pilot sphere was mostly empty; with just a few diving belt weights instead of the pilot, she is hanging a little top heavy.

The two sets of gray air bags keep her level once she hits the water. If the systems check out, the bags near the pilot sphere are released and the sub pivots in the water. The pilot is then sitting upright (rather than lying on his back with his feet in the air like at launch and recovery).

If the systems pass their final check, the pilot then calls out over the radio, "Release release release," and the top set of airbags is detached and the sub starts its dive.

After this test dive, the next took place later that night with Jim in the sub for the first time.

第一次潜水令人难忘,原因是我们以某种方式与吉姆(Jim)如何保持操纵杆的控件感到困惑。他以与我们对其进行编程的方式相反的方式。这意味着几乎每个控制都倒退了。这既可以在软件中很容易修复,又有一点可笑...电影深海挑战3D。(Added to the controls snafu was the fact that the sonar display was also flipped, so to Jim it looked like the hull of the Mermaid Sapphire was at the bottom of Sydney harbor).

All that aside, the tests were a massive success and we headed out to sea to a sheltered bay just south of Sydney for more tests.

It was while in this bay that atragic helicoper accident took two of the team。安德鲁·赖特(Andrew Wright)和迈克·德格鲁伊(Mike Degruy)在拍摄潜艇发射之一的路上从机场起飞时被杀。

It put a huge shock through the team. We were all away from our families and the danger of what we were doing was clear. It was tough, but the decision to press on with the dive program was made and so we set off north, first to Papua New Guinea to start to really dive deep and then on to Guam for the big one.


当您到处到达时,这就是称为运输。There is no diving of the sub going on, but there is still plenty of work to do.

Each of us had our main sub-related jobs to do, but we also picked up a heap of other bits and pieces along the way.



One of the things we all had to get used to was having the camera in your face all the time. And when I say camera. I mean 3D IMAX-sized camera. These things are massive!



该博客及其照片的缺点之一是,您不会听到船上的生活。当我们准备潜水时,船将使用它的动态定位系统to maintain a single, fixed position. While it was running the hydraulics for the DP system it would, uh, make a bit of noise... through the entire ship. There was nowhere you could go to escape it.


What you're seeing in the video is Jim getting into the sub for the pre-dive checks. We had a roughly 80-point checklist that the pilot had to go through and sign off on before each dive.




The next blog will be my last on Deepsea Challenge. I'll cover what happened during the dives and offer you the chance to win a t-shirt and copy of the movie.

Till then, cheers Mate.


写的Ben Orchard




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