

Posted by Ben Orchardon Jan 5, 2022 8:00:00 AM

仔细研究一下新的EPIC I/O模块(GRV-IVAPM-3),并加快如何安装和配置用于电源监视应用程序。

希望您能找到最近的blog postthat announced our new 3-phasegroovPower Monitoring module (GRV-IVAPM-3)。在下一篇博客文章中,我们将仔细研究此模块,以帮助您加快如何为电源监视应用程序安装和配置它。

This module will allow you to measure live power and energy consumption of any three, twin or single phase load in Delta or Wye configuration up to 600 volts. Pumps, heating and cooling, solar, you name it, you can measure its power and so better understand your costs and see changes in load that might give an early warning to faults.

Keyed Terminal Connector

One of the first things we need to go over is the terminal connector for the power module. Note that it is different from all the othergroov模块:键换使您无法将终端连接器插入除电源监视模块以外的任何内容。



When you look at the top of the module, you can see some differences there as well.


We don’t pad print the terminal numbers on any unused pins. This is to help guide you when it comes time to wiring up the module.



Wiring the Module

Now, let's take a look at the wiring diagram.



We recommend using 0.333 VAC current transformers (CTs) as they are smaller, cheaper, lighter, more accurate and safer than their 5 amp counterparts. Be sure and install them with their arrow pointing in the right direction (most have arrows or labels that are pointing to the source of the power, not the load) and ensure they are all installed the same direction and are matched with their respective phase voltage taps.

Some loads (Delta configuration) won’t have a neutral, and that's okay. But if you have one, do install it (Wye configuration).

Configuring the Module

Once you have things wired up and the module installed, let's get to configuring the module.

我将使用GROOV管理在GROOV EPIC处理器上进行整个过程。当然,如果您使用这些控制引擎运行时,您还可以从PAC控制或CODESYS配置模块。

像任何人一样groovI/O模块,您会在I/O菜单中找到它。在这里,我将其中三个安装在Opto 22建筑二楼制造区域。




Now, click on the bottom menu option (Module Configuration) and let's configure the module as a whole for all three phases.


第一件事是设置模块的模式以匹配其已接线的系统。在这里,我们在分发面板中捡起许多负载,它是WYE配置(中性)和300 VRM。


After the type of load is set, the next two important configurations are the CT Signal Output type (voltage or current) and Rated Current value.

在我的应用程序中,我正在使用现有的旧样式0-5安培CTS。If you have a bit of an unusual installation, you could measure three different loads with different types and sizes of CT’s, but in our case, all three phases are using 200 Amp CTs, so we only have to set the Phase A field, and the module will automatically set the other two phases are to be configured the same.


Here is a photo of a 600 AMP CT. You can see it is a split core, so will slip around the existing wiring or bus bar.

主配置页面的其余部分是可选的。例如,如果您连接到600 VAC高于600 VAC的电压,则可以使用电势变压器(PT)降低电压,然后配置其比率。

If you want to set minimum current or voltage thresholds (for example, you don’t want to measure a low overnight current or voltage as part of your energy calculation) you can set them up in the appropriate section here.

One thing to note: If you are not using all three-phase (for example, measuring a small twin-phase load like a house, or perhaps even a single-phase load), then you can quickly turn off a phase by entering a 1 into the “Minimum Voltage Threshold Ratio” area for one or more phases.

Setting Data Options



You can toggle the sliders to see more data, and there is a lot to see! There are 64 points of data in total. If you are not using any sort of control engine, then you will probably want to name your channels here ingroovManage.




Name: You can name the channel anything you like, but best practices should be followed and give the point a meaningful name for the data it carries. Note the Module and Channel Types are fixed since they are configured by the module configuration screen (Delta or Wye).

The Quality indication can be turned on and off for each channel. If toggled on, the blue LED on the module will turn yellow if any channel goes out of its range.


Public Access is important if you want to send your data to an MQTT broker with the native groov Manage MQTT client. Public Access is also required for getting your data via the REST interface.


In my example, I don’t need the Max and Min voltage sent over MQTT or REST, but you can turn them on if you need to see this retained data.


Once complete, be sure and click Save in the top right corner. Then, you can go on and select the next data channel you want to configure. Note that you don’t have to name and configure all 64 channels, but instead, just the ones that you require for your application.

Understanding the Data

Speaking of data channels, let's take a look at some of them.



The fun starts with understanding that most loads are not pure heating elements (a red hot glowing resistor). They include resistors, inductors and capacitors, and all these change the shape of the current flowing through the load, and thus it is no longer both sinusoidal or in phase with the voltage.

  • True Poweris calculated from the load's pure resistance component.
  • 反应力is what your load is ‘rejecting’ and pushing back against the power source. Putting this together, Reactive Power is not part of the True Power value since it's not used by the load.
  • Apparent poweris the power drawn from the main power source, it is the combination of both true and reactive power. Note this is not a straight sum or adding; there are phase components of each type of power as part of the calculation.

So if apparent power is the source, and the load uses different parts of it as shown by the true and reactive power, how can we quickly see what the ratio of used versus rejected power is?

  • 功率因数。这是一个非常重要的无单位价值。它可以告诉您很多有关您正在监视的负载。功率因数(PF)是真正使用的功率和表观功率的比率。您可以看到1个PF是理想的。所有已交付的东西(并且由Power Company对您提供的产品收取),负载使用,没有浪费。
  • True Power At Fundamental Frequency是电源频率(通常为50或60Hz)处于频率下的纯电阻。
  • Harmonic True Power除了电源(基本)频率以外的任何事物,即扭曲频率的功率是纯电阻。

The power module energy calculations are the same power values but are the summed values over time.



Each phase'sNet Energy是真实力量的1秒总和。该值可以以三种不同的格式读取。32位IEEE以KWH为单位,64位签名的MWH单位和32位签名的整数以MWH为单位。是的,那是毫米。那里有一些非常细的能源数据。

Positive Energyis accumulated by adding the true power only when it is positive.
Negative Energy仅在负面的情况下添加真正的功率来累积。
Net Reactive Energy通过添加一次反应能力来积累。
Apparent Energyis accumulated by adding apparent power once a second.

Then we also have the total energy calculation for all three phases.

Total Net Energyis the sum of the true power for all three phases.
总未签名能量is the sum of the absolute value of the true power for each phase.
总正能is the true power sum of each phase if they are positive.
总净反应能is the sum of each phase's reactive power.
Total Net Apparent Energyis the sum of each phase's true power if it's positive.

It's worth noting that while the data freshness of the 64 points of data is around once per second, the values are calculated from Fourier transforms at around 4000 times a second.

There is plenty more to be said, but I hope this is a good overview to help you get up and running with thegroovEpic Power模块。Opto 22的每个人都非常高兴将这些模块放在您的手中,并查看您提出的应用程序。

We also have more news about power monitoring hardware to share soon, sosubscribe to the OptoBlog, come hang out on theOptoforums, and be the first to know!

Till next time.

Cheers Mate.

Topics:Energy management,I/O,groov EPIC,电源监控

写的Ben Orchard




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