

发表 Jean Femia2016年4月27日下午5:00:05

Customized groov mobile operator interfaceWant to make your格鲁夫operator interfacelook just the way you want, with your own company logo and colors?

格鲁夫R3.1 release includes new tools to customize pages and gadgets, so you can do that and more.


Upload your company logo to the new图像库and display it in the caption bar at the top of every page. The logo can be a maximum of 135 x 35 pixels (if it's larger, it will be automatically resized).


To set up your logo and caption bar options: in格鲁夫Build, choose Configure > Project and look under格鲁夫查看样式。

Use your own colors




Customize text colors and fonts


In the past, all live values shown in a格鲁夫界面是明亮的蓝色。这是指出页面上哪些值来自传感器和其他输入的好方法。但是,如果您愿意,现在可以更改单个实时价值的颜色。只需在小工具的属性中选择不同的价值样式的不同颜色即可。


You can choose to show related elements with similar fonts, or simply change the font as you prefer. Six fonts are available. When choosing colors, remember that some of your users may be colorblind, so don't rely on color alone to indicate status or out-of-range values. When you choose text colors, make sure they provide excellent contrast to the page background.

For more information

有关定制您的更多信息格鲁夫interface, see the格鲁夫构建和查看用户指南,,,,especially Chapter 4, "Gadget Reference."


准备自定义您的格鲁夫移动操作员界面?现在是时候获得格鲁夫R3.1. Plus you'll get lots more image capabilities, security updates, and additional new features. See the格鲁夫读书我to find out everything that's included.

获取GROOV R3.1更新

如果您的维护是最新的,您可以下载格鲁夫R3.1 for freeand start customizing your mobile interface right away.

获取Groov R3.1

主题:格鲁夫,,,,更新,,,,远程监控,,,,Machine builder,,,,optonews,,,,OEM,,,,OPTONEWS 2016-04-27

Written byJean Femia

让·费米亚(Jean Femia)撰写了有关技术科目的文章,并专注于自动化和控制系统已有15年以上的历史。她喜欢学习技术并在本田S2000中发挥作用。

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