
OPTONEWS:新的PAC项目版本 - 控制器主机名,旧的支持

Posted by 让·费亚亚(Jean Femia)2015年4月1日下午5:39:00

Opto 22 PAC Project Basic automation software suiteYou'll get three great new features (and more) in our latestPAC Projectrelease:

  • Use either ahostname或IP地址以识别您的控制引擎(如果您有多个控制器,您将非常感谢此功能)
  • Upgradelegacy systems通过用新的SNAP-PAC-R1-B更换B系列安装架上的SNAP处理器。
  • 更改unit type在I/O单元上,例如,如果您用架子安装的控制器更换SNAP PAC大脑,或用SNAP-PAC-R1-B替换了最终的I/O大脑。


The ability to use a hostname for your controller makes life so much simpler. IP addresses are tough to remember, but names are easy. When you assign a controller its fixed IP address and configure it in PAC Control or PAC Terminal, give it a name that identifies it: BOILERS or Line-1A or Remote-WaterSt or whatever suits your application.




If you have older SNAP I/O units—like Ultimate I/O or Ethernet I/O—now you can update them to work with the latest PAC Project software using the newSNAP-PAC-R1-B controller。就像SNAP-PAC-R1架子架的控制器一样,除了安装在Snap B系列架上之外。

Learn more about theSNAP-PAC-R1-B


If you've just replaced a UIO brain with a new SNAP-PAC-R1-B, or replaced an EB brain with an R-series controller, or if you just made a mistake when you configured an I/O unit (yep, we've all done that), don't despair.


And module firmware

最新的PAC项目中还有一项新功能:您可以在PAC Manager中看到模块固件版本。

You've always been able to update firmware on serial modules, such as the SNAP-SCM-485-422 and the SNAP-SCM-232. While we don't update this firmware very often, it's good to be able to add new features or apply fixes when needed.

Now we're also starting to build analog modules with updatable firmware. The HART modules are a good example (输入:snap-aima-ih;output: SNAP-AOA-23-iH)。要查看模拟模块的固件版本,请打开PAC管理器,然后选择“工具”>“检查”。连接到您的I/O单元,然后单击模拟点。选择模块和点,然后单击更多信息。如果模块具有可更新的固件,则将显示固件版本。

PAC Manager - inspect analog point


OptoNews April 1, 2015 - Read more in this issue:

Topics:Updates,OPTONEWS,New products,移民,OptoNews 2015-04-01

写的让·费亚亚(Jean Femia)

让·费亚亚(Jean Femia)writes about technical subjects and has focused on automation and control systems for more than 15 years. She likes learning about technology and taking corners in her Honda S2000.
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