
OptoNews: Latest groov code samples available now

发表 Jean Femia2017年10月3日下午3:07:22

使用GROOV数据存储API的Excel电子表格What if your operators could enter machine data on their phones and that data automatically appeared in a Microsoft®Excel®电子表格?

What if production or usage data from your spreadsheet was automatically updated in your supervisor's凹槽移动操作员界面?

Could be pretty handy, right?


一个非常简单和简单的;另一个更细节。两者都使用A凹槽Data Store格鲁夫的RESTful API to move the data.

简单:记录凹槽data to Microsoft Excel

如果您只想从凹槽to Excel, this is the sample for you. Here's what you need:

该示例包括一个获得和日志的Excel工作簿凹槽data, a凹槽project with a pre-built Data Store, and instructions.

To use this sample, you should already be familiar with凹槽. If you run across anything you don't understand, check the凹槽构建和查看用户指南求助。

更详细:分享凹槽data with Microsoft Excel

该样本在两个方向上移动数据时更为复杂。它在应用程序中使用Visual Basic®(vba)读写凹槽通过RESTFUL API存储数据。对于任何想建立自己的人来说,这都是一个很好的例子自定义应用程序凹槽和Excel, because it explains the基础代码。

For this sample you'll need the same things as the simple sample:


Instructions show you how to use the sample and its underlying code in your own applications.


We're building a library of code samples to help with your applications. Be sure to check out the samples in these locations:

Opto 22开发人员网站- 代码样本:包括使用两者的样本凹槽和SNAP PAC controller RESTful APIs, and for using Node-RED with凹槽和Pacs. You'll also find Raspberry Pi samples (a Pi with ourindustrial digital I/O对于原型和不需要工业硬化设备的位置来说,可能是廉价的选择)。

OptoForum- 代码样本和提示: Here you'll find samples and tips for all Opto 22 products.

See developer code samples


主题:凹槽,,,,Internet of Things,,,,IoT,,,,optonews,,,,集成商,,,,API,,,,REST API,,,,REST,,,,移动的,,,,IIoT,,,,Industrial Internet of Things

Written byJean Femia

让·费亚亚(Jean Femia)撰写了有关技术科目的文章,并专注于自动化和控制系统已有15年以上。她喜欢学习技术并在本田S2000中发挥作用。

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