

发表 乔什·伊斯特本2019年9月10日下午12:52:37

进入Opto Opto 22 HQ再次进入第2天凹槽史诗般的培训。

外部系列将您的视角带入Opto 22在幕后运行的方式。今天,我们回到了加利福尼亚州的特米库拉(不是澳大利亚……我知道!我也很惊讶)for the next day of凹槽EPIC®系统工厂培训。如果你错过了the first day,班级被介绍给凹槽管理和PAC控制™。另外,我们必须看到Terry OrchardDemoLinux®安全壳在史诗般的访问中。

Day 2 wraps up PAC Control and covers PAC Display™,凹槽View™,IgnitionEdge®和Codesys®。如果您对Epic平台上的HMI/SCADA开发或IEC 61131-3语言的动手培训感兴趣,请继续阅读。

史诗般的促销套件Day 2 of 3 - Keepin’ it under control

I’m the last one to arrive this morning. The room is ready to go.



On Day 1, we covered basic flowchart setup in PAC Control with a little OptoScript™ thrown in. While intuitive, it was new territory for me, having mostly used the IEC languages, previously. When we get into subroutines today, though, I’m pretty comfortable with the concept. It’s nice to see some structured logic in a control strategy.

但是,许多其他学生对如何使用它们并不熟悉,这导致了一些有趣的讨论。谈话的推力是当您可以创建另一个流程图时,为什么要制作子例程?但是,当我们经历它时,一个学生,一个长期的Snap PAC用户,意识到有Modbus Communications子例程,他可以简单地介绍自己的控制策略,而不是自己编写。他非常放心。“ [我一直在恐惧。我会付钱给我。”他说。“免费!”答复诺玛。


A new view

使用控制逻辑完成一段时间,我们将五个,然后切换到HMI开发PAC显示. Here’s something I’m familiar with. I’ve never used Opto’s HMI package, but I have developed a lot of operator interfaces over the years. With the exception of a couple quirks(撤消按钮在哪里?),PAC显示器中的建筑屏幕感觉到我的期望。我们从第一天开始为我们的便利店数据创建了几个读数,然后我可以使用旋转和彩色动画,直到我可以在学习中心上使用旋钮来在类似Tatooine的沙漠景观上重新创建二进制日落。

在我们休息午餐之前,诺玛(Norma)花了一点时间向我们介绍凹槽View,我过去可能涉足的;我不确定。不过,与PAC展示相比,我正在播出。拖动 - 滴 - 比例 - 分配标签。十分简单。控件(小工具凹槽-speak) are easy to read with little design effort on my part. I can even design screens in parallel for different display sizes (PC vs mobile). And again, it’s all in the browser. Painless.

Now, I’m sure凹槽View isn’t all roses. My gut tells me that, with this level of polish, customization is probably difficult, where the bitmap-based packages, like PAC Display, really let you get into the nuts and bolts. I’ll look into that though and publish a follow-up post.


但是等等,还有更多!- ...礼物的物联网之家?

已经确定我喜欢午餐,但是Opto设置了比预期的更高的酒吧。在第2天,我们从橄榄花园里享受千层面凹槽. “If it’s in my life, it’s got to be in凹槽!透明


本的凹槽视图屏幕这是Ben可以看到和/或使用SNAP I/O™控制的所有内容的列表,凹槽查看和节点红色:
  • HVAC
  • 智能汽车
  • Sprinkler system
  • 太阳系
  • 车库门
  • Water, electricity, and gas usage (w/o a smart meter!)
  • Video cameras
  • LED消息横幅
  • 身体健康数据(两个腕带加鞋数据)
  • 网络完整性
  • CA和澳大利亚的天气状况


Back in the groov

当我们从午餐回来时,关于凹槽View thanks to Ben, and Norma ends up demoing several other features: import/export, user access control, multiple tag data sources, animations, and event triggers for text/email notifications. The last one elicits even more comments from the class. We just connected凹槽查看出站电子邮件服务器,并根据我们的控制策略中的警告标志发短信给我们发短信。“我不知道这是可能的。我一直走到云端。”有人说。同样在这里!

One more time

As if we weren’t satisfied with either of our SCADA options so far, Ben now steps in to teach us about点火边缘. I have spent some time with Ignition; never professionally, unfortunately, but I remember being so tickled when I heard about it that I poured a few days into their web training, trying to imagine the possibilities for such a disruptive tool. That was a few years back, before Edge, so I’m surprised and a little puzzled by the rumors I keep hearing about Ignition on-board the EPIC.

果然,我们正是在设置OPC通讯和心理控制的AB PLC + stacklight设置的挑剔的过程中。我们从凹槽Manage, log into Ignition Designer, set up the PLC connection, and then add it as a new tag source in凹槽看法。每个人都挑选一盏灯,然后开始打开和关闭它们。“把它粘在男人身上!”有人大喊,因为是的,这很容易。无需使用PLC许可。


显然,有一天看着三个SCADA套餐,有很多交叉比较。整体分裂凹槽View and PAC Display users is about 60/40, according to Ben, but which is best for you depends on your situation. Here’s what I learned from all the discussion:

  • 当涉及历史趋势时,PAC显示比凹槽看法。
  • Refresh rate in凹槽视图也受到当前浏览器标准的限制,因此,对于高速流程中的实时响应,请点火。
  • Legacy operator terminals may not be up to running an HTML5-compliant browser, so stick with PAC Display, if that's your situation.
  • PAC显示也使用与完全不同的技术凹槽View, so there’s no way to migrate projects from one to the other.
  • 但是,如果您致力于PAC展示,凹槽Server™makes it easy to add a mobile interface.
  • 在写这篇文章时,凹槽Epic V1.4.1固件已发行了完全的点火支持,这意味着您现在可以从史诗中运行点火警报模块,并保存自己管理另一个Windows框。布亚!

Day 2 wrap-up



See you next time!


主题:Training,,,,IIoT,,,,点火边缘,,,,PAC显示,,,,CODESYS,,,,凹槽视图,,,,Groov Epic,,,,Groov Epic学习中心,,,,工厂培训

Written by乔什·伊斯特本

乔什·伊斯特本(Josh Eastburn)在半导体,石化,食品和饮料以及生命科学行业工作12年后,与Opto 22的工程师合作,了解明天客户的需求。

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