

发表 Josh Eastburn2019年9月23日下午3:54:52

See what the final day of Opto 22's factory training looks like from the inside.

As the resident engineer-in-training, I’ve taken on the job of communicating to the outside world what it looks like inside of Opto 22. I’ve started off by giving you a look into the mindset and technologies at work here through the lens of our on-site training. Follow these links if you missed第1部分或者第2部分该系列。

上次我让你挂在第2天结束后进入Codesys®时向右悬挂。groovView™ graphics library) before Ben and Norma wrap up the class with a lesson on design fundamentals.

第3天的第3天 - 结束...还是开始?


加里克·雷希特(Garrick Reichert)is part of Opto 22’s team of dedicated applications engineers. He’s a barbecue connoisseur and has a voice that makes me think of bluegrass music. He’s wrapping up Day 2 by teaching us about代码,我对此感到非常爵士。(我有专业Stockholm syndromewhen it comes to ladder logic.)

班级的直接响应是:“什么是代码?有人使用这个吗?”加里克(Garrick)并非完全不热情,而是……毫无疑问,“我们正在努力给你适合您目的的工具。”其中包括您的行业,地区和技能。如果您在欧洲运营,或者来自传统的西门子/A-B PLC背景(像我一样)Codesys在您的驾驶室中可能比PAC Control™更多。该界面立即熟悉:构成设备网络定义的节点层,控制对象类型的堆栈以及灰色粘合窗口敷料中的许多隐秘按钮。自然,设备设置还涉及单击更多的配置窗口,而不是在PAC控制中,但我仍然很兴奋(remember, this is par for the PLC course)



我们从第3天开始,比较Codesys梯子逻辑和结构化文本。Garrick向我们展示了如何创建两个小程序,只是一些简单的计算并切换了几个输出。他们一起播放,看,在线编辑! - 每个人都喜欢PLC,我特别喜欢Codesys,因为它具有将实时价值叠加到运行时窗口中的光滑方式。由于是重量级人物,这种IDE感觉更强大。


下一个课程是Node-RED,但我不知道会发生什么。本在第2天的午餐演示中提到了几次,很明显,其他一些学生已经广泛使用了它。不过,我没有其他背景,因此,当特里·果园(Terry Orchard)开始做他的事情时,我花了我一秒钟才能理解真正的事情。他正在谈论我熟悉的流程图编程和JSON,但随后他点击了几次小彩色药丸,突然间,他通过HTTP请求向我们展示了从网络中提取的实时天气数据。我有点双重。那样?所有代码在哪里?

Terry shows us how to create our own flows, connecting “nodes” together to request data via web APIs and pass it togroov查看和PAC控制。很快,它看起来像是某种cyberpunk糖果店,所有这些彩色的果冻豆就是通过询问,然后将数据发送给其他果冻豆,从而为我们提供数据。数据流何时变得如此简单?怎么办Iget hooked up to this thing? Can it teach me如何飞行B-212直升机?There is no spoon!

In all seriousness, though, once I catch the vision, I’m genuinely impressed and excited. This kind of connectivity would be传统PLC乏味或不可能没有另一个系统作为Web服务网关。节点红色groov史诗makes it dead simple.


Your network is your net worth


  • 比OPC通过数量级更有效,更不用说可伸缩和容忍度了。
  • 仅具有单个传出端口,访问控制列表和客户之间的匿名性,由客户管理的安全性烘烤,由客户管理的安全性。



今天,午餐是一件轻松的事情。我们喜欢一些中国菜和冰淇淋以享用。每个人似乎都在实现这么远时感到非常成就。从消防人员喝酒的感觉是相互的。当我们占据一席之地时,其他一名学生抓住了A/V的控制,并使我们暴露于MIT道德机器。You thought you felt bad about your choices before…

对于演示,Opto的插画家之一,约翰·加勒特(John Garrett),占地。他是背后的创造力groovView’s SVG library. He’s also built a few工具为了使最终用户更自定义,这会从第一天开始回答我的问题。您自己的SVG不使用Illustrator或inkscape。不过,对我来说,这个演讲实际上是关于约翰的好人 - 作为最后的话,他提到了他热切地接受客户要求为图书馆创建新图像的要求。










The last segment of class, according to Ben, is by popular request, and goes over control system design. If you’re picking up a controller for the first time, particularly if you’re taking on your first professional project, or frankly, if you’ve been in the business for a while but want a good reminder about best practice, this part is worth it. We go through thirteen major steps (with an accompanying detailed checklist) from initial concept to final hand-off of an industrial grade automation project. At the end, one of the veteran engineers in class gives his blessing, saying, “Experience has taught me what you just said.”

因此,诺玛(Norma)为我们提供了Opto 22的产品支持资源的最终方向,我们正在运行!



也就是说,您的经验几乎肯定取决于您对PAC控制和PAC显示的水平,而PAC控制和PAC展示的时间约为⅓ -½。不过,即使是Snap Pac退伍军人也从那部分学到了一些好窍门。

同样,如果您正在接近groov史诗from the IT integration side, day 3 might be retreading familiar ground. For me, that cross-pollination was important, though. I didn’t know what my OT could do for IT, and I didn’t know how easy it could be to bring IT into my OT.

最终,我看到的动手培训最大的好处是,有机会得到最了解的人们的所有问题。根据整个课程的讨论,大多数学生都采用了新的方法来解决他们的问题。如果他们有计划使用的计划groov史诗for one thing, they left with even more ideas of what they could do. And the staff were very willing to go into extra innings talking through specific applications.

One last thing

Groov Epic学习中心Most attendees had taken advantage of thegroov史诗Learning Center discount, but a couple hadn’t; so I’ll reiterate it here: If you buy agroov史诗LC, you getseats to the factory training. At $2,895,这个束will save you over $2000 compared to paying for the system and the two seats at list price. The LC ships in a rugged Pelican case for easy transport to demos or internal training.

Also, for customers in the eastern USA and Canada,groovEpic培训最近在佐治亚州亚特兰大开业through our partner ACS。当然,我们继续添加通过可用的免费内容Opto U(42 mini-courses and counting)


What would you be interested in learning from the Opto 22 staff? We’re always discussing new options that could help our customers achieve their goals. Leave a comment, and let us know what you’re looking for.

Topics:训练,Node-RED,mqtt,代码,凹槽视图,Groov Epic,Groov Epic学习中心,工厂培训

写的Josh Eastburn

乔什·伊斯特本(Josh Eastburn)在半导体,石化,食品和饮料以及生命科学行业工作12年后,与Opto 22的工程师合作,了解明天客户的需求。




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