
两个用于电源监控和通用I/O的两个新的GROOV EPIC I/O模块

Posted byJanice Colmeron Nov 18, 2021 10:30:00 AM


两个备受期待的groov史诗modules are here: the 3-phase power monitoring module with 64 channels of data (!), and the highly flexible, software-configurable multifunction, multi-signal module. These new modules can take your system to another level of efficiency and another step closer to your digital transformation goals.

Are you looking to lower your energy spend, avoid equipment failure, and reduce carbon emissions? These latest I/O offerings allow engineers to bring energy, performance, and machine health data directly from the edge into backend systems, for old and new equipment alike, aiming to reduce complexity, cost, and timelines.



Topics:Energy management,I/O,I/O模块,groov EPIC,Edge I/O

OptoPartner Video - Indoor Grow Systems by Microclimates

Posted by阿伦·辛哈(Arun Sinha)2021年2月17日下午1:00:00


我们的下一个Optopartner视频installment非常独特,因为它包括现场演示。Microclirates CTO和联合创始人Loren West解释了更多的农业在“室内临时”,因为它使种植者更多地控制了他们生产的食物。自动化在不断扩展的业务部门中起关键作用。微气候控制系统基于在Opto 22上交付的软件核心groovRIO, a platform that fits nicely into IIoT applications requiring simple data exchange between software or cloud applications and field I/O.


Topics:Remote monitoring,建筑管理,iiot,数据可视化,industrial automation,OptoPartner,Edge I/O,Optopartner视频


Posted byJanice Colmer在2020年9月30日下午1:52:17

OptoPartner SolisPLC shares an out-of-the-box experience and tutorial using their firstgroovRIO module.

You might remember SolisPLC's Vlad Romanov from anearlier OptoBlog post今年。He was looking for an industrially hardened platform for running Ignition Edge and became interested in learning more about thegroov史诗system. Opto 22 sent him agroov史诗Learning Center (GRV-EPIC-LC)这样他可以带它进行试驾。


Topics:训练,点火Edge,groov RIO,Edge I/O

Get your groov RIO update here!

Posted byJanice Colmeron Sep 21, 2020 1:18:28 PM

Improve the performance of your edge I/O with the latestgroovRIO firmware update 2.0.2.

如果你是groovRIO edge I/O user, you'll want to take advantage of this new firmware update.固件版本2.0.2is available for download now.


Topics:固件,iiot,groov RIO,Edge I/O

New White Paper: Building Industrial IoT from Edge to Cloud

Posted byJanice Colmeron Jul 31, 2020 8:43:52 AM




Topics:iiot,Node-RED,mqtt,groov EPIC,Sparkplug,white paper,edge computing,groov RIO,Edge I/O


Posted byJanice Colmer2020年6月23日上午9:54:21

利用Opto 22网站的新部分专门用于groov里约资源和工具。

As an OptoBlog subscriber, you've heard us talking about our latest edge I/O offering,groovRIO(GRV-R7-MM1001-10)。是I/O的IIOT™。我们以前已经分享了这种令人兴奋的新产品的新闻稿,视频,网络研讨会和白皮书资源。现在有一个地方可以去groovRIO questions...


Topics:iiot,Node-RED,mqtt,凹槽管理,groov RIO,Edge I/O

New white paper introduces edge I/O – I/O for the IIoT

Posted byJanice Colmeron Apr 21, 2020 4:18:55 PM

Learn how edge I/O creates a simpler way to meet the needs of today's industrial internet of things (IIoT) applications.

In an era of increasing connectivity and technical capabilities, it seems like simple ideas should be simple to achieve. But IIoT projects, even simple ones, are still expensive, demand special skills, and involve many steps. Our latest white paper,
I/O代表IIOT, addresses these challenges and outlines suggestions to achieve simplicity, security and cost-effectiveness for your IIoT projects.


Topics:iiot,white paper,groov RIO,Edge I/O




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