
Important: Update to continue sending emails from Opto 22 products

Posted byJanice Colmeron May 18, 2022 7:00:00 AM

New technical note shows you how to update security settings for your email applications.

您可以使用许多Opto 22产品发送电子邮件通知,德赢下载以使工程师和技术人员了解系统中的重要条件。例如:

  • You can send email through a PAC Control strategy running on agroov史诗or SNAP PAC controller.
  • YourgroovView HMI can send event notifications via email.
  • Your Node-RED flow ongroovRIO orgroovEpic可以发送电子邮件。


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Topics:PAC控制,Node-RED,groov View,groov EPIC,Snap pac,groov RIO,email notifications

Google Apps ending access to less secure apps - are you ready?

Posted byBen Orchard2022年5月9日上午10:08:18

Prepare to make security changes to your email accounts by May 30, 2022.

For a long time, automation engineers have sent email alerts and reports from automation applications via a ‘throwaway’ Gmail account. This seemed harmless enough at the time and really useful, but it wasn’t very secure. As email abuse has risen over the years, it's time for the “less secure” party to come to an end.

Does this mean an end to all email alerts? Not at all. You just need to adjust your Google Gmail settings and update to a new application password in each application. Of course, this applies (with different end dates) to most other email providers as well as Google; check with your email provider for details. This blog will focus on Google Gmail.

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Topics:安全,Node-RED,groov EPIC,Snap pac,groov RIO,email notifications




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