

发表 Matt Newton2017年4月18日下午1:59:59

In several previous posts we talked about some of the software technologies automation professionals should put on their radar in preparation for Industrial Internet of Things (IIoT) applications.

JavaScript,,,,node.js节点红色为那些希望建立IIT应用程序的人提供了很多好处。了解有关工业互联网的更多信息State of the IIoT white paper

State of the IIoT white paper

节点红色is also available as a standard feature on allgroov ar1Opto 22中的盒子。您可以在下面的视频中了解更多有关它的信息。


梯子逻辑继电器图Each software technology we've talked about (JavaScript, node.js, Node-RED) has a huge pool of developer talent that can be tapped into, which means you’re not going to struggle to find a developer to build your IIoT application.




节点red flow.jpg

But what are some of the nodes and Node-RED flows you might be able to use in your application? Here’s a list of ten Node-RED nodes you might find useful.

Keep track of current public IP for remote sites with Node-REDPublic IP Address Change也许您已经设置了一个远程网站,可以将端口转发,以便您可以轻松地进入那里的HMI。当ISP更改公共IP地址而不给您带头时,您不只是讨厌它吗?被锁定在远程网站上可能会很痛苦。

This flow automatically checks whether your remote site’s public IP address has changed. Once the flow checks, you can automatically notify yourself over any number of methods including Twitter, email, and text message.

将数据记录到电子表格In this case, Google Sheets. Now you can log your data up to a spreadsheet in the cloud where you can safely store it for as long as you need to.

检查天气You can automatically check the weather and then control your HVAC system to change setpoints in your control system.

Node-red轻松将MQTT添加到您的IIOT应用程序中通过MQTT传输传感器数据MQTT gets a lot of press these days. And for good reason. It’s an incredibly lightweight publish/subscribe data transmission protocol. You can read more about MQTT and how it compares to OPC in this Opto 22博客文章

例外报告Need to add some basic report-by-exception capabilities to your control system? Do it with this Node-RED node. You can even add some additional notification capabilities like Twitter and email messaging, so you have real-time control system information wherever you are.

快速将IBM Watson功能添加到您的IIOT应用程序中的IIT应用程序中IBM®WATSON IOT™This is where things start to get pretty interesting, and you can take your IIoT application to an entirely new level. Watson has all kinds of tools built into it to do things like machine learning, predictive analytics, and a host of other human and machine interaction features. There are also nodes for theIBM Bluemix®系统。

Just remember, you have to have data to plug into Watson to get it to do anything interesting. That’s where our next node comes in.

SNAP PAC System将您的控制系统数据(包括I/O值和系统变量)获取到IBM Watson或Amazon等基于云的应用程序中®Web Services. Read and write this data securely. Remember, to do anything interesting with the big data from our process control and automation systems, you first have to actually get the data.

Serial devices如果您可以轻松访问,则在PC上附加了一些旧的串行设备,其中包含有用的数据?串行设备也有节点。现在,您的串行设备可以加入IIOT并成为基于云的应用程序的另一个数据源。

Modbus DevicesThe old fallback protocol, Modbus, often the last resort of all automation systems. If you can’t get that new-fangled, advanced, and probably totally proprietary automation protocol to work, there’s almost always the old standby available in the form of Modbus. Now you can pull data from your Modbus devices (and that’s a lot of industrial automation and process control devices) directly into your Node-RED application, where you can move it into predictive analytics software in IBM Watson IoT.

SQLSQLiteWant to access data stored on a local database somewhere, or use it as information to help make decisions in your control system? That’s easy to do with Node-RED as well.

There are nodes for all kinds of things. The building blocks are already there for just about anyone to quickly get started with their IIoT application using Node-RED.


State of the IIoT white paper

主题:Internet of Things,,,,物联网,,,,PACs,,,,API,,,,REST API,,,,休息,,,,IIoT,,,,工业互联网,,,,节点红色,,,,MQTT

Written byMatt Newton


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