
Warehouse to Enterprise: Emerald 66/NACI

Posted by 乔什·伊斯特本on Mar 23, 2021 9:25:54 AM

New plant uses unique edge architecture to run at the pace of modern business

lh6.googleusercontent.comtrbf_qls_btwtzzezccw4zuw2eufj4msounqzz4-wat7p9p9ok-jzufkhzewlu6n82y6tabzbdxhpqt19n-由于对洗手液的需求在整个美国增加了一倍以上,并且在未来几年中,年度增长持续了20%以上,2020年为清洁行业提供了巨大的财务机会。Emerald 66 Enterprises(E66)动员资源满足了这一需求,在美国俄克拉荷马州塞米诺尔市的一个空牛仔布加工厂建立了商店。


“When we say we do stuff quick,” says E66 chief of operations, Robert Bodnar, “we're talking days, not weeks or months.”

在此博客系列中,我们将遵循E66的增长,研究他们和长期Optopartner的技术和技术Northeast Automation Company(NACI)用于在充满挑战的市场环境中获得竞争优势。


When E66 hired NACI to automate their bottling and packaging process, they understood they needed to move fast. They were competing against low-paid, high-volume workforces operating manually and believed they could use technology to do more with a smaller, better-paid workforce.

建立新包装过程的最快方法是在拍卖会上购买各种设备,使NACI将其全部整合到凝聚系统中。NACI首席工程师汤姆·库姆斯(Tom Coombs)决定制作Opto 22凹槽设置其策略的重点,以便他们可以使用边缘计算来构建信息管理系统。



To address the different circumstances his team needed to deal with, Tom proposed a unique architecture that enabled separate control systems to function together and also laid a foundation for E66’s data acquisition goals.

Partial Emerald 66 architecture

At the top level, Tom used a凹槽史诗边缘可编程工业控制器监督过程线并通过REST API连接不同的设备。


NACI然后使用凹槽里约边缘I/O模块松散整合任何功能控制系统。当每个新单元上线时,NACI都掉入了这些POE驱动的模块之一,并使用其软件可配置的频道来识别所提供的单元的类型。NACI与现有的PLC I/O连接并列地镜像这些I/O信号,并将其集成到凹槽史诗network.


这些模块在远程I/O中显示凹槽史诗’s control strategy, Tom also engineered an additional layer of control independent of EPIC by allowing each凹槽RIO通过Node-Red执行有限的本地控制。NACI充满了他们对“制造每种设备”的野心,将电动机,照片眼,负载电池和其他仪器添加到许多半自动化和愚蠢的设备中,然后以少量逻辑洒上来使它们一起工作并将处理数据报告到协调级别。


NACI使用groov rio生产了这些VFD控制面板,用于本地输送机控制

A veteran engineer himself, COO Robert Bodnar, has been involved in much of this design. He explains, “The top-level process [in EPIC] is turning on two lines or three lines. If you have a line coming in and you have a line going out, they may not be running at the same speed… You’ve got cappers that are running at different speeds. You've got label printers and all these different components all kind of running at different speeds, so it’s kinda neat to be able to say, okay, what if we use the凹槽里奥斯仅控制线条,皮带和箱子包装工以及类似的东西……?我们只是做一些简单的事情:打开和关闭电动机以运行一条线路并试图与填充机旋转的速度相匹配。它们是点自动化的小岛。”


rotary filler wide - cropped

A rotary filler/capper unit at Emerald 66

The big pivot

Emerald 66的端到端过程包括运输,填充,封盖,打印,标签,包装和托盘操作。因为他们已经为一个大型购买者的包装和分销方式建模了业务,所以此过程最初是为了最大化吞吐量而设计的。但是,当客户遭受财务挫折并不得不关闭生产时,情况发生了重大变化。然后,整个企业必须枢转使E66成为多产品设施。

Automation grew from processing a high volume of one-gallon, single-formulation containers to working with a variety of sanitizer chemistries in different batch sizes and packaging form factors: from small two-, four-, six-, and eight-ounce containers, hand pumps, and spray bottles, to large jugs in excess of one gallon.


Emerald 66’s operations grew to accommodate many packaging sizes and product formulations

幸运的是,NACI决定使用松散耦合的生产线,因此可以轻松修改单个细分,而无需中断其数据收集和过程集成。结合现场面板建筑物和3D打印功能,它们在面向边缘的自动化方面的投资使它们可以很快进行重新装置。Emerald 66甚至可以在六个月内进行初始投资。

为此,博德纳尔先生说:“凹槽RIO / PAC控制 /凹槽史诗 /商业系统堆栈,随着您的前进,您可以使事情变得非常模块化并对业务做出回应……在工业世界中,您可能会[评论],您知道,您知道很多好事,,,,‘You’ve got good quality, you've got good throughput,’ and whatever, but they usually don't say that you're nimble. It’s not usually the term people think of... But it is fun to be nimble, and on the industrial side, I think that’s one of the things [Opto 22] has really helped us with.”

NACI的汤姆·库姆斯(Tom Coombs凹槽史诗and凹槽Rio,Opto 22将动态制造数据实时同时位于生产线的边缘,并同时进入企业系统。”


As demand grows, Emerald 66 continues to diversify its business and expand its production capabilities. Recently, they have spun up a lucrative technology division that is using凹槽为海外出口开发填充设备的设备。它们的自动化也正在适应以适应新功能,例如容器成型,产品混合和质量控制程序。随着过程的扩展,E66对其数据基础架构和信息管理系统的野心也是如此。将来,随着该系列的继续,我们将在将来研究所有这些。

目前,我们要对Emerald 66 Enterprises and Northeast Automation Company,Inc。表示感谢,允许我们与社区分享他们的工作。德赢vwin客户端下载分别与汤姆和罗伯特接触tdcoombs@gmail.comandrobert@emerald-66.com

主题:实例探究,,,,凹槽史诗,,,,groov rio


After 12 years as an automation engineer working in the semiconductor, petrochemical, food and beverage, and life sciences industries, Josh Eastburn works with the engineers at Opto 22 to understand the needs of tomorrow's customers.
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