
Node-red v1.0中的新功能

发表 Terry Orchard2020年1月22日下午1:43:14




注意Opto 22客户:升级到节点v1.0格鲁夫史诗,您只需要免费应用

如果您是Node-Red Power用户,并且想要此处未介绍的更多信息和技术详细信息,请阅读官方Node-Red博客上的1.0发行说明:nodered.org/blog/2019/09/30/version-1-0--释放



Node-red v1.0调色板视觉编辑器包括几个小调整和改进。不用担心;不久的是调整。



除了拥有新类别外,您还会发现您可能习惯了一些节点,根本没有安装!这是因为Node-RED 1.0包括对核心节点集的更改:电子邮件,Twitter,情感,FeedPasser和Raspberry Pi通用IO(GPIO)节点软件包已被删除。如果您需要或需要这些节点,则需要通过可从编辑器访问的调色板管理器手动安装它们。这些节点软件包仍然存在于节点红色存储库中,安装节点red时默认不包含它们,这类似于其他外部节点软件包,例如数据库,云分析和Opto 22节点。

On the other hand, some of the remaining core nodes included with Node-RED v1.0 were given some new features and UI upgrades. The MQTT nodes now support MQTT v3.1.1 (with v5 support on the way), and various improvements to the CSV, template, switch, and HTTP request nodes have been added. These nodes weren’t completely overhauled, so they should still be familiar, but the changes do introduce new features and make them noticeably easier to use.

You’ll notice many improvements to the editor besides these node-specific updates, including better search features, a new visual JSON object editor interface, new keyboard shortcuts, the ability to quick-add a new node in the middle of a wire, and a revamped subflow interface. Not only was the subflow interface upgraded, it also has new features, like the ability to give each subflow instance individual properties and independently change the subflow node color.


Along with asynchronous message routing came changes to how nodes indicate when they are “done” with a particular action, and how messages are cloned by function nodes. For example, you may find certain flows that rely on message routing, task completion, or message cloning will no longer function exactly the same in version 1.0 as it did in the past. Just be aware of these changes when you move to Node-RED 1.0, and be sure to thoroughly read the full update notes if you have trouble migrating your flows to the new runtime and editor. Most flows can be migrated from v0.20 and earlier up to v1.0, but you should take care to understand how message cloning works if you use “node.send()”在您的函数节点中,您可以从Node-Red中阅读此处:https://nodered.org/blog/2019/09/13/cloning-messages

所有这些更新和改进都可以通过节点红色编辑器进行更好的整体体验编程,并通过更新的运行时运行流程 - 不影响先前版本的任何好处。1.0版本是我们已经喜欢的软件的更成熟,精致的版本,并且随着更多更新的推出,它会继续变得更好。如果您尚未升级,请务必查看最新版本并开始创建自己的流程!

如果您对Node-red 1.0有任何疑问,格鲁夫史诗般的或史诗般的发展一般而言,查看developer.opto22.com或在下面发表评论。


用新的节点红色更新Groov Epic

主题:节点红色,,,,Groov Epic

写的Terry Orchard

特里(Terry)是加州大学欧文(UC Irvine)校友,从事技术营销工作,专注于开发和内容创建。当他不在计算机上时,他喜欢与家人和宠物共度时光,飞行无人机,并从事溜溜球的技巧。

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