此下载包含用于Opo 22控制器的Beta固件,运行OptoControl策略。
OptoControl is a legacy product, which is no longer getting new features and no longer going through official release cycles. Beta versions of the firmware are made available as-is for those who need the related bug fixes.
In general, beta versions will include bug fixes since the last official release, without adding new features. This usually enhances product stability without introducing unwanted side effects. Beta versions for legacy products have been through basic testing only, and will not be formally tested.
此下载包含用于M4控制器的当前固件。下载还包括用于SNAP-LCM4,SNAP-LCSX,SNAP-LCSX-PLUS,M4RTU和其他Opto 22基于OptoControl的控制器的固件。
该软件应用程序更新了与以太网连接的Opto 22控制器的内部时钟。该应用程序在命令提示符下在Windows中运行,并且可以定期更新控制器时钟或仅一次。
- SNAP PAC S- and R-Series
- Ultimate I/O (UIO)
- 快照
- snap-lcm4
- M4
- M4io
This download is freeware.Before downloading, read the
当前发行16位Cyrano固件。需要此固件来在Legacy Opto 22控制器上运行Cyrano策略。
当前发行16位Cyrano固件。This firmware is required to run Cyrano strategies on Opto 22 controllers. This file installs the Opto 22 Flash 200 utility (version R3.1i) and Cyrano firmware (version R3.2j).
Cyrano是Optocontrol的前身,是流程图控制编程的DOS应用程序。该软件不在Windows NT下运行。
类似于Windows的Optoterm程序的演示。它演示了如何从控制器和其他简单信息中检索策略信息。此软件包仅支持以太网接口控制器(snap-lcm4,,,,M4, 或者M4RTU).
MISIS MDS是Optoserver的前身。它是在Windows 3.x下运行的Cyrano TagName数据库的仅DDE服务器。
MMI是OptoDisplay的前身。这是一个16位Windows 3.X Man-Machine接口软件包,与Cyrano紧密集成。
This download contains a full installation of the most recent version of OptoTerm, a software utility for:
- 下载新固件to an OptoControl-based controller.
- 看法ing the statusof an OptoControl-based controller.